Être sorcier dans le Londres magique, c'est vraiment tranquille... Sauf lorsque trois frères, les Bumblebee, décident de révolutionner le monde magique en proposant trois idées qui s'opposent : révéler les sorciers aux moldus, intégrer les créatures à la société, ou tout laisser en l'état en se méfiant bien des deux autres. Le monde magique anglais est en ébullition à mesure que les trois candidats s'opposent, laissant un peu leurs charges respectives à l'abandon au profit de leur campagne. C'est ainsi qu'à Poudlard, un joyeux bazar règne souvent en l'absence du directeur, et que les créatures de tous poils envahissent peu à peu les villes sorcières pour le meilleur comme pour le pire !
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé

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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 17:29
It was just as difficult the second time. Eurydice was out. Outside. Away from her lonely little apartement and in the real world, the one she wasn't allowed to be in – and she was just as frightened as before. She was covered in make-up and bundled up in an overly large coat, her hands imprisoned inside thick gloves and her head hidden under her hoodie. She probably looked very suspicious – the shifty side looks she made from time to time probably didn't help her case either, and Eurydice felt like everybody was staring at her as she walked all the way to the wizards' hospital. She could feel sweat rolling down her neck, too, (coming both from the stress and the abundance of warm clothes) and she started worrying about her make-up fading away because of it. Eurydice was just one large bundle of nerves.

Entering the hospital proved just as complicated as last time. Carefully whispering as low as possible, the little demi-banshee croaked her desire to get in. Hoped nobody would drop dead around her. Cringed at the loud answer coming from the mannequin – why wouldn't that thing understand she needed to be discrete ? Inconspicuous ? She wasn't supposed to be here ! She wasn't supposed to be out ! But of course she couldn't explain any of it to the mannequin – or anybody else for that matter. Eurydice silently ducked instead and hurried inside as silently as possible. No time to waste.

And there she was in the hospital's atrium once again. She hadn't been able to achieve anything last time she came in – overcomed with anxiety the young girl just had the time to grab a pile of prospectus before running for her life. But not this time. This time, Eurydice wanted to be strong, and courageous, and end up with something that could be of help to Maxwell's sister. Not that she would be able to talk about it, of course – but that was another problem for another time. Today's problem was figuring out what to do.

Eurydice fidgeted around, peeking at wall posters and random prospectus here and there, slowly walking in circles trying to find which way to go, and doing her best not to look too suspicious. Eurydice looked lost and frightened as a result, which she was. But she did her best to avoid any contact with nurses, doctors, other patients, talking paintings, or any living thing for that matter – social interaction was still too much for her to handle. There was only so much she could do.

And things were getting out of hand. Eurydice attracted attention. She had been standing around wondering where to go for far too long.

Fleeing hurriedly from a nurse who stared in her direction, and doing her best to maintain a composed attitude, Eurydice bumped into another stranger in front of her – flattened her face in his back – and fell on the ground, biting her lip in a desperate attempt to remain silent. She hadn't seen him coming. He was just standing there, surprised, and turned around to look at her, unaware of the big brown blotch on the back of his shirt. Eurydice cringed, intimidated, inwardly panicking, wondering what to do, and most of all blaming herself for all of her foolishness. Things were bound to turn sour at some point. She should have thought of an exit plan. She should have. And now she didn't know what to do. What an idiot she was ! And what would happen to her now ?
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

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Dim 15 Mar - 18:22
Abigail was difficult on that day. She put up a big fight when she had to get up in the morning, and then again when they were about to go downstairs ; somedays she was just fine sliding on the banister and there were other days when... Well, she kicked and screamed until she was in the kitchen. Those days were not Maxwell's favourited, to say the least. He was still wondering why she was so afraid of staircases ; her only answer was something about fruits or vegetables, of course.

By the time he had her ready to leave the house, they were already late for Abby's appointment at Saint Mungo, and Maxwell could feel the begining of a very nasty headache.

It was not easy to get into that weird part of London. Max didn't drive yet and if he did, he wouldn't have with his impredictable sister next to him, not without restraining her, because she sometimes had weird urges such as cuddling him when he least expected it. He was not really looking forward to a surprise hug while driving, thank you very much, plus... Well, it was the centre of London anyway. They were better off taking the Underground. Or so they were when Abigail was behaving. She spent the entire time braiding a lady's hair - without asking said lady first, that's a given.

They ended somehow in front of the weird hospital, which was disguised as a clothing store. At that moment, Max was more than ready to swallow any of the disgusting potions they brewed there if it could relieve him from the pain between his temples. He gritted his teeth then manhandled Abby throught the glass after the mannequin granted them access. He hated that thing, because he had to concentrate an awful lot to hear and see it ; when he asked why on one of their last visits, he was told it was because he happened to be a squib. That answer made him cringe. Not because the squib thing, because he really wasn't something like that, but because of the guy's face. Apparently, being without any magic was not really a good thing.

Thinking of that episode again, he looked at his sister closely, now that they were safely inside. Being a squib was bad ? Well, being without his twin sister would be worse. He drew a deep breath. This was the only time he had to get into his character. As soon as he got to the doctor's – healer, wizard, chaman, he didn't know – he would have to behave as he belonged there. Bitterly, he thought everything would have been easier if he had been a wizard too, but hey. He was doing what he could.

He started to walk toward the elevators, once more relieved to see they were no stairs. He wouldn't have liked to carry Abby to the eleventh floor. He stopped to consider the boards where all the services were listed ; it was so easy to get lost in there, Max didn't want to experiment another encounter with someone looking half like a fish.

However, as he was ready to grab all his courage and call for an elevator, he felt someone bump into him, before hearing the very distinct sound of someone falling on the floor. Well, someone, or a huge pile of clothing, by the look of it. He blinked.

« Uh, hi ? »
« Zucchini ! »

It was a bit difficult to react while firmly holding Abby's arm, but he managed to hold out his free hand as his sister stopped trying to wander around. Apparently, the brownish thing under the clothes was intriguing to her also.

« Are you hurt ? »

He could not even see if it was humain. And if it was, girl or boy ? The big coat screamed girl to him but people there were weird and wore cloaks so... He was so curious, he forgot about being late for Abigail's appointment, and that staring was not polite.
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

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Dim 15 Mar - 18:27
What are you gonna do now ? Tell me, what are you gonna do ? Eurydice stared back at the stranger she bumped into, terrified. She couldn't say a word at all, and she didn't dare to move either. Eurydice just sat there, hidden behind the fortress that was her coat, shrinking under the young man's gaze.

Eventually she realized she had to do something. She slowly shook her head from side to side, a timid no, I'm fine she said, or at least tried. Eurydice was fine. As fine as she could be. Well at least she wasn't hurt by her fall. Which was the stranger's question after all. Eurydice was fine. She just needed to get out of here.

She got up. Wincing a little (moving around with all those layers of clothes wasn't exactly easy) the young woman got back on her feet and looked at the man she ran into. For some unexplainable reason Eurydice felt it was very important to look as normal as possible – otherwise, he might remember her, people might remember her, people might notice she's here, and all sorts of trouble would occur. Eurydice tried a smile.

She looked at the other girl for an instant. The stranger was holding her hand, probably to make sure she didn't ran away, for she clearly looked agitated. She was humming a little song made out of vegetable names. She was looking back, curious as well, and smiling happily. She turned back to the stranger and asked something about apples. The two of them were probably in the hospital for her, Eurydice thought.

Eurydice couldn't exactly stay and chat. She had a friend to help – Maxwell's sister was very ill after all, she didn't exactly knew the details, but she knew she was amnesiac and erratic – and the young couple in front her (were they brother and sister?) was very nice and all, but she wasn't sure they could help. Actually she was sure they couldn't – Eurydice would never dare asking them for anything. Besides the large billboard behind them held many promises : maybe she'd be able to figure out what to do if she could read it further. She hadn't had the courage to stand in front of it before, scared as she was of being noticed.

Still smiling (awkwardly now, as she had been standing there for a while without a word) she tried to figure out a way to say good-bye. She couldn't say it out loud, of course, unless she felt like making the whole atrium faint (or die). She couldn't wave her hand with a smile, that wouldn't be very polite either – they might feel offended, and rightly so. What could she do ? Maybe … Eurydice clasped her hands and bowed, just like the characters in her japanese mangas she read on her computer. Maybe that would do.

After a little while she got up again, still smiling. She hoped they got the message. She hoped they would go. She couldn't exactly snob them, walk three feet and go behind them to look at the billboard. That would have been very rude – and angry people expressing their anger at her was one of the last things she could deal with at the moment. She couldn't exactly walk away either, since she needed to be here – and with everyone looking at her now, she didn't feel at ease enough to walk in circles around the atrium a few times more. She just had to hope they would eventually go. Eurydice kept smiling. Please, go.
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:36
Maxwell sighed, relieved ; she wasn't hurt. He could be clumsy sometimes, moreso with Abby around, but this time it seemed it wasn't his fault. Yay.

She smiled, and he decided she was definitely a girl, though he couldn't be completely sure. One thing he had learned quickly about the wizarding world was that there were lots and lots of strange folks living there. And some had bizarre habits. He tried his best not to upset anyone, and that was not easy.

Still, he had not seen something like the bundle of clothes before. She was brown, like the over-tanned celebrities. The strangest thing was the tiny little green dot on her nose. It looked like her skin was peeling on that spot.

Suddenly, Maxwell became aware he had been staring. Oops.

« Hrm, I'm sorry. », he said, rubbing his neck with his free hand, his cheeks slightly flushed.

Questions were burning on his lips, like each time he encountered someone strange, but he already had been so impolite, so he didn't dare. « What are you, exactly ? » was oh so tempting, but no. The girl smiled. She looked tiny into that big coat. Maybe she was cold, maybe she was hiding wings and claws and iron scales. He prefered not to know, really.

It was an awkward moment, and he was relieved when she broke it by bowing silently and getting to the billboard. He realized she had not said a word.

Max didn't really know where to situate « normal » anymore. Maybe she was a mute, maybe she came from a place where people loved to fry in the sun then draw green dots on their noses while under a vow of silence. That would make a great race to play inRP, that said, super crazy but super fun.

As he was stuck wondering about whether green dots on the nose granted super powers or not, Abby decided to take the matters into her own hands. She let go of his hand quickly, and got to the girl before Max could react.

« Pea ! »

And then Abigail put her finger on the girl's nose, just as her brother woke up from yet another daydream. He shook his head, stunned. Pea ? Oh God. Was it a coincidence or did she see the dot and comment on it ?

He had gotten to the girls mechanically but now... Well... He was staring at Abby, open mouthed. Aaand said Abby was happily poking the stranger's nose. What a scene.
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

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Dim 15 Mar - 18:37
It's funny how people stare at you when they're waiting for something to happen, she thought. Eurydice has been standing there, smiling as much as she could, looking at the young man who stared back in curiosity and expectation.

Eventually he realised it and apologized, and Eurydice bowed to say good-bye and walked away after a little while of waiting. She couldn't stay here too long waiting for them to go. She had to look normal. So she decided to walk a little, look around the place for a moment before reading that billboard and moving to the corridors of the hospital, until she found that place where doctors took care of patients with amnesia. That seemed a good plan. That seemed a good way to act normal. That seemed an excellent way to get out of their way and out of their mind, and hopefully the young couple would forget all about that little incident.

She didn't expect the other girl's reaction.

Eurydice stared again, dumbfounded, this time at Abigaïl who poked her nose singing « pea ! » over and over. What was with her and her love of vegetables ? Why would she do such a thing ? The little half-banshee knew that she was ill and probably not aware of everything she did, but that sudden reaction was very confusing and frightening. That young woman was obviously interested in her. She was deeply curious, and not at all ready to forget about that encounter. Eurydice tried a wavering smile and backed away a few steps, clearly uneasy. Abigaïl seemed not to notice and simply moved forward, bent on putting her finger on Eurydice's nose. Pea.


Oh, oh no. No, no, no no ! Eurydice suddenly shoved her face in her overly large mitten, trying to hide away what the other woman saw – and the young man following her as well. Her nose. Was it green again ? Had the make-up run off ? No ! What was she going to do ! She didn't have any make-up with her to fix that ! She didn't have any way to hide her face anymore ! And it was her nose ! Right in the middle of it ! And now they knew about her anyways ! Wizards as they were, they probably figured out what she was, and, and Eurydice was deathly afraid, for she didn't knew how they would react. Would they be angry ? Would they be scared ? Would they call the hospital's security or would they run away screaming for their lives, alerting the whole building ? The woman wasn't very frightened, but it seemed she wasn't all there in her head anyways. She looked at Eurydice in wonder, now, using a fruit name as a question, and moved forward a little more to get closer to her. Eurydice walked back and felt her back hit the wall. She tried to flatten herself as much as she could against it, as if that would put more distance between her and the other girl, and then she tried to push the other woman away from her with one of her hands.

Eurydice's mitten was smudged with brown make-up, and her cheek was now largely green as well.

She didn't see it, of course. She was deeply anxious and afraid. The young man was staring at her again. Was that all he did ? What was going on in his mind ? Eurydice tried to hid herself as much as she could once again, one hand held straight to push the other girl away, and did her best not to panic. She could feel the coming tears in her eyes. But she couldn't sit down and cry, she had to go home and hide, she wasn't going to be able to help Maxwell in that situation anyways, this was a bad idea from the very start, she should have listened to her great-aunt and she should have stayed home, and she had to run away now, she had to go, please just let me go. But no. The other woman was in her way. Curious.
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:37
The situation was downright crazy. Maxwell stood there gaping at his sister for a moment, before he realized the strange girl was almost crying.

« Abby stop that right now ! »

At the threatening tone, Abby automatically put her hands down. She turned her head to face Maxwell.

« Spinach ! »

He couldn't say if she was talking still about green things or if she was using her least-loved vegetable to tell him to mind his own business. Nonetheless, she stood still, and he sighed with relief. He grabbed her by the hand, pulling her by his side again. She muttered about leafy greens between her teeth, obviously not pleased. The twins were clearly annoyed at each other.

« I know you want to make friends with every single person we meet. But look, the lady is scared of you ! »

She looked like she was listening, but her big brown eyes were empty. Max had probably imagined things. She was not reacting to the girl more, she was only being old crazy Abby. The boy looked at the poor thing against the nearest wall, and dared not come closer.

« I'm really sorry, I... Well, I should have reacted, my sis, she's very curious, like a child. And, well, I'm not really from here so I'm a bit distracted in the first place, and... Well. »

He babbled, nervous, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. Abby pulled on the other with the clear intention to go and poke the poor girl again, but he was used to keeping her near. She was his own personnal gym, in a way, with the force she put into her escape attempts.

« I... I'm sorry, please excuse her. And, hum... »

He took a deep breath and hoped his remark would be for the best. He didn't want to be cursed or anything like that, but maybe the green spots on her face were private to whatever thing she was. He tried very hard not to stare, so he stared at the wall instead, looking a bit dumb.

« You have green, uh, spots, showing ? I don't really know if that's important but since you obviously painted yourself brown I figured it could be, soo... You are green here, » he pointed his own nose, then his cheek, « and here. »

He smiley, embarrassed. The skin of his neck was flushed in a very visible sign that he felt not at ease, especially with the girl not uttering a single word. It was time to go. He tugged on his twin's hand to direct her towards the elevators.

« So, hum, well, we are already late for her appointment and as you can see it's quite important, so, hu, we are sorry ? Have a nice day, Miss ! »

He was tomato red by the time they reached the elevators. Abby was not unsettled as he was, because she found a deep interest in the elevator buttons, which made funny noises. At least, she was distracted.
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

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Dim 15 Mar - 18:38
Peas and spinach.

Green and green.

If Eurydice had any doubt about what was going on before, she couldn't have any by now. The young woman couldn't say anything else but vegetable names, but they had all a theme, a common color they shared. She was obviously curious about the demi-banshee's awful skin tone. Eurydice hated that color. The young man tried to intervene, shaken out of his stupor, and did his best to push the woman away from Eurydice, quite aware that she was scared and uneasy.

He tried to say so to the sick woman. And then his face changed, he was annoyed at first and then he looked sad all of a sudden. He turned toward Eurydice and apologized as best as he could, mentioned her green nose and cheek, obviously ill at ease himself. But he was being nice. He was being nice to her, and Eurydice felt her cheeks turn red, surprised and flattered that someone would actually apologize to her after all the rules she broke. She didn't deserve any of it. She didn't deserve any of it, and she had no way to say thank you, to say it's okay, to make sure he understood that neither he nor his sister did anything bad, she couldn't do anything but stay there and turn red. The stranger apologized again and turned away – he had an appointment, he was obviously here in this hospital for a reason, and he was late. Eurydice timidly waved good-bye with her hand. Then realized what she was doing and hid her hand behind her back, her face flushing red once again. The couple was busy trying to get to the elevators.

Eurydice watched them walk away until she couldn't see them anymore. Then she let out a sigh of relief – things didn't turn out so bad after all. She couldn't stay here any longer, however. Maxwell's sister would have to wait until another day.

She turned around and hid her face as best as she could under her coat and her sweater, holding her clothes up with her hands, and walked as fast as she could toward the exit. People gave her strange looks. Nobody said a word. She went outside. Looked at the sunlight for a second. Started walking again, she couldn't waste time idling there. Went as fast as she could along the streets, looking straight forward, trying to focus on her return home instead of worrying about anybody else around her. Arrived at her building's front door. Opened it, ran up the stairs. Quietly opened her apartment's door and slid herself in.

And then she let out another sigh of relief. Well that was close. She did it. She got home safely. She could still hear her great-aunt snore. Nothing happened. Nothing happened and she couldn't believe how lucky she was. There were still a few things to do. She undressed as fast as she could, got out of her coat and sweater and mittens and hid them all where they belonged – somewhere Adelaïde would never bother to look – and ran to the bathroom to wash her face.

She never liked that bathroom. It always felt cold in there, and the floor tiles were an unhospitable shade of dark green. The room was also quite tiny, and very long, like a corridor, with a mirror on one side of it so that she had to walk all the way to the end of the bathroom with the reflexion of her face next to her every time she had to go. She hated the sight of her face. She got used to it with time, but she till hated the place a little. It just wasn't funny to be reminded of who she was like that. And she hated washing her face even more. She had to carefully check that every single trace of make-up was gone and that she was bright green everywhere. She had to carefully check that she was green. Bleh. She got rid of that chore as fast as she could, washed her hands again and ran out to her room. Better things to do.

Maybe Maxwell was online. She wanted to talk to him. She wanted to tell him all about her day, except that she couldn't, and that she had to think about how to phrase every thing that happen, but she could at least tell him the most important part of it.

Eurydice thought about how to best tell her story. She could say … She could say she had to go to the doctor. That she met a crazy woman there who kept poking her nose and called her a pea. Maxwell would surely agree that it was rude a behavior of her, or at least understand how uncomfortable she felt. And then she would talk on and on about how nice her brother was to her. How he apologized and tried to help. How she couldn't get his name and just watched them get into the elevator before going home. Nothing really happened that day for normal people, but Eurydice wasn't normal – of course Maxwell didn't knew any of it, but he was a nice fellow and she was sure he would gladly listen to her ramblings.

Her computer was on. The wi-fi was on. Skype was on. Maxwell was online ! Eurydice jumped right away into the conversation

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
HEYYY ^o^ Hey how are you Max ?

She could hardly wait. Eurydice was smiling now, giggling a little, sitting on her bed with her tiny computer casting light on her face. Talking to people was such a nice thing. She really wished she could do that in real life too.
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:39
The appointment wasn't very long ; there was no visible improvement. The psycho-healer-chaman-whatever had serious doubts about Maxwell's enthusiast story about the girl's nose earlier, and so they were out in no time, to Max's despair. Nothing new, no potion to test this time. Even Abby seemed a little saddened by the session.

The way home was quicker, as it always is, and calmer. Maybe his sister was tired. She easily was, very much like a child, needing frequent naps. Max liked that fact, because it meant time alone in the afternoons and early nights. However, there was no hope for a nap when they got home, because his father was apparently home.

Whenever William Northwood was home, the telly was on. He didn't like silent spaces. And this time, the telly showed proudly Spongebob Squarepants, Abby's fairly new favourite show. She hated it before, but everyone supposed now it was simple enough for her to understand, if she ever understood anything.

She dropped her coat and shoes in the hall, leaving them there for Max to pick up, and went to sit on the rug, her nose nearly against the screen. Max chuckled at the sight, shaking his head. She was hopelessly mesmerized, and it was almost better than a nap because she wouldn't wake up screaming or something like that.

He took care of their outdoor stuff and went to fetch himself a coke. A break was nice. He hoped that Abby would take a nap right after the cartoon, giving him more time on his own. He went back in the living room with his ice cold drink and sat cross-legged on the sofa, dragging the laptop from the side table onto his lap. The computer lived either there, near the blessed television, or on his bedside table.

Watching the laptop coming to life, he took a sip directly from the can of coke. The day was far from over, but he already felt tired. He didn't know yet his mother would scream later about the perfectly round brown mark on the back of his jacket. For now, he was relaxing.

The computer always took forever to launch but it finally showed th desktop ready for use. In that little while, the family dog came  to crash by his side. Gus was old and smelly, so Max was the only one to tolerate him so close ; he even extended a hand to scratch his ears. It slowly turned into a normal afternoon, with Abby open mouthed in front of the telly and Max and Gus watching her from the sofa.

Not very long after he had started to check all his messages everywhere, mail, social networks, forums and so on, Skype called for his attention with its distinctive sound. He had checked conversations there, but it was the first hello of the day. He smiled genuinely. Eurydice was always one of the first to greet him, as he almost never engaged in a chat before reading every single new post everywhere but answered anyway to those wanting to talk to him. He put his can on the side table.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
hiya! had a long day, but hopefully it's over!

He got distracted by a silly joke on the telly and remembered his politeness only a few seconds later.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
and you? how was ur day? sorry the tv is on and my brain quite off lol

Funny how he had a perfect writing for everything but instant messaging.
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

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Dim 15 Mar - 18:40
Eurydice liked having a computer. She couldn't really get out of her house, and make friends like everybody else, except on the internet. She couldn't avoid being a demi-banshee, and having a cursed voice, except on the internet. With Skype, Eurydice could have all the friends she wanted, without having to tell them anything about her condition. With Skype she could talk to anyone without hurting them. With Skype, she could talk.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:

hiya! had a long day, but hopefully it's over!
and you? how was ur day? sorry the tv is on and my brain quite off lol

Maxwell never answered her greetings fast. He always took a little time to do so, but that was okay. He listened to her stories. Eurydice and him were good friends, who often roleplayed together, and liked to link their character's stories. She learned to know him with time, especially since the day he came and confessed  his sister's accident all his fears and anguish about it. They were close friends. Eurydice at the very least liked to think they were close friends.

Eurydice always felt she could talk to him about everything she wanted. She happily jumped into the conversation.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
My day was nice ! I think ?
had to go to the doctor, that's never fun
and while I was waiting there was a girl that kept poking my nose and calling me names
like, she was sooo intrusive

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
like litterally?

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
Yeah !

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
thats weird
maybe u had something on the nose and she was trying to help?

It was nice to be able to vent about her day like that. Maxwell listened and tried to help. He wasn't always very good at it ; but he always had good intentions, and he rarely hurt her while trying. Eurydice was glad to be able to rest for the evening and let her worries of her day go. And she wasn't even at the best part yet – she hadn't even talked about the girl's brother and how nice it was to him. Eurydice took her time. Eurydice enjoyed her discussion with Maxwell, as always. Sitting on her little bed, stuck in her little room, with her little computer opened to the wide world out there. It was nice to have friends.

She kept on writing.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I mean, I don't know what she had, I don't think she was like mean or anything
she was just curious and invasive
kept calling me like pea and spinach and stuff
what was her deal rly

And finally came the good part !

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
but her brother was so nice !
he tried to help in the end,

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
... where is your doctor exactly ?

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
and he was like, I'm sorry, my sister doesn't know what she's doing

She didn't notice Maxwell's question right away, involved as she was in telling her story. Her going to the doctor wasn't really important – and it was strange that Max was asking her that. It wasn't exactly something she could tell him either, so she tried to wave it off instead. Eurydice wanted to keep talking about the nice brother and his rude sister, not lie and forge stories to hide where it happened. It wasn't fun to lie, but she had to. She just liked to do it as less as she could.  

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
uh I had to go to a hospital actually

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
nothing too bad?

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
no no Im ok
nothing to worry about rly

She hoped that would be enough. Eurydice wished she didn't had to lie, really. Eurydice just wanted to resume the conversation toward something funnier to talk about. But Maxwell had something else in mind.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
well i had an appointment for Abby today too
so i was wondering
... forget that

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
oh I see

She didn't really.  But she couldn't go there, even if she was slowly growing curious. Eurydice couldn't talk about her stay in the hospital. It was too dangerous : there were too many things she simply couldn't say, and too many omissions on her part would have made Maxwell suspicious. Eurydice had to be rude and fall back on her previous story.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
well anyways, he was like, I'm sorry I'm new to this place, and he was embarrassed, but he was really nice, and he left, I couldn't even say hi, I just bowed x) like in a manga or so
that was stupid
I didn't get his name in the end
he took the elevator with his sister because he was late

It was funny how all of her discussions always took a bittersweet note in the end. Eurydice wished she could talk freely. Eurydice wished she could talk about everything she really lived, instead of just giving hims bits of what happened here and there.

But dreaming was nice anyways. And Eurydice was happy just being there and talking to him on skype. Her story was over. It had been nice to tell it to him. She had a little smile on her face – what she had was already plenty, after all.
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:41
The conversation had a normal start. Greeting like that made Max feel 'at home', if such a feeling was applicable to online 'places'. He believed so. Home was where friends were.

He sipped on his coke while browsing everything he needed to. Facebook, emails, Twitter, forums. He had alerts for three new posts in his roleplay topics, which was mostly nice. Mostly, because one of the girls he played with was a pain to answer to but he was way too polite to mention it. Every now and then, he looked at the conversation with Eurydice, until something started to feel strange.

He knew the scene she was describing. He didn't know yet if it was a coincidence, but he had an habit to picture precisely the set ups described to him. This time, it sounded awkwardly like a memory.

As always, he talked too fast, telling her right after to forget, but she went on with the strangeness.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
u know that's a bit crazy but
thats not something im supposed to talk about
and you're totally going to say im not a bit but completely crazy in fact
does ur hospital happen to be, like, for special people ?
hum like more with healers
and stuff

He knew he was downright confusing, but he could help but ask. The can of coke ended on the side table, because serious matters were better discussed with two hands.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
what do you mean ?

Here it was. He should have shut up.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
oh well i'm on such a slippery slope i might as well say it
it's fine if you never talk to me again

... He should lose that habit to say directly what he tought, too. But the slope had gotten even more slippery with that said. He took a deep breath before he went on.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
is it, uh

The word in itself was utterly awkward, let alone the concept.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
magical ?

There was a blank. She was probably wondering what had gotten into him. And finally, Skype biped again. Not that he needed it, because he had been staring hard at the same conversation for a long time now.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
lol what do you mean, you're saying you're like a wizard or something ?

Everything considered, that answer was nice.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
not me, my sis

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

He could have slapped himself.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
okay we are going to forget all that
im only tired

Yeah. Tired. He was about to close his computer and go calm himself somewhere else when more bips were heard. Oh well.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
no wait
wait what happened to your sister exactly ?

He closed his eyes, deeply breathing again, before opening them and staring at Abby, who still was engrossed in her show. He started this. At worse, Eurydice was going to think he was drunk, or another liar on the internet. So... Why not talk openly, for once ?
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:45
The conversation had taken a really strange turn.

It was funny, first Eurydice was venting her day away, next Maxwell was becoming strangely cryptic. And Eurydice was slowly growing uneasy. She didn't exactly knew how much she could tell, nor what exactly was he talking about, or what was going on exactly right now. She could only guess for clues. Ask for clearer explanations. What happened exactly ? They were having a nice and normal discussion until now.

And then the word came. Magical. Was Eurydice's hospital magical ? The demi-banshee froze in front of her computer, cornered. Had she said too much ? Had she given off too many clues ? Had she broken another wizard law by accident this time ?

And there Eurydice gave a clearly awkward reply.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
lol what do you mean, you're saying you're like a wizard or something ?

And from Maxwell came an even scarier answer.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
not me, my sis

… Oh.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

Was Maxwell a muggle or a wizard, where did he came from exactly ? And how did he knew about the hospital ?Eurydice didn't knew how much she could say. She wanted to know more. She needed a better explanation from her friend. She needed things to be clear. But before she could ask anything, Maxwell had already started to retreat. They were both very uneasy, each of them could tell it from what they read from their computer screen, and he had had enough.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
okay we are going to forget all that
im just tired

But Eurydice couldn't let it go. No, not now, not like that, not so close, what if Maxwell did come from the magical world, maybe she could talk more freely about her life, maybe she include all the magical parts, except those concerning her hybrid condition of course, and what if he knew about that as well and what if he recognized her as a demi-banshee, and she wanted to know, she had to know, but she couldn't be selfish so she fell back on her convenient excuse for breaking all the rules and doing whatever she wanted. Eurydice used Maxwell's sister's illness. She could take the risk if it could help her get better. She had to know.

And she had to know how much he knew. Eurydice was also scared to learn how much Maxwell knew about her.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
no wait
wait what happened to your sister exactly ?

Maxwell took the bait.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
exactly as in u want to know the whole naked truth or as in the normal version ?

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I'd like to know ?
I mean if that's okay

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
i'm not supposed to tell
but well

Close. Eurydice had almost lost her chance – almost, but she didn't. Maxwell was talking once again, and she did all she could to make him comfortable so he could keep going. And she didn't have much to do anymore but listen.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I won't tell anyone I promise

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
in for a penny in for a pound
she's a witch, wizard, i don't know
she went to some kind of school to learn magic, potions, spells, things like that
she graduated last summer and came home
she was strange
stranger than usual i mean

Eurydice just let it go.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
she's from hogwarts ???

It was obvious anyways. She wasn't breaking any secret at that point. But it was surprising nonetheless. Here she was, talking to a friend she had known for years, and discovering just now that they both came from the magical world in one way or another. How surreal that was. That law the wizards did about keeping their world secret from muggles was one of the dumbest thing they ever did, really.
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:46
Maxwell had only started to tell Abby's story when a word he knew came up. Hogwarts. He sighed with relief, loudly enough to make Abby glare at him, probably because it disturbed her listening to dumb cartoon characters. Go figure.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
WELL YOU DO KNOW i knew it
His suspicions were confirmed. He could talk freely. Thanks God.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
… you knew it ?
what do you mean ?

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
yup, you didn't stop talking to me right after i started going all i-got-a-big-crazy-secret
didn't laugh either

That was kind of obvious, really. The situation could have been reversed, and he would have laughed.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
well, yeah
I mean anyways
I wouldn't laugh at you if you told me a secret

Knowing her, it was possible, after all. She was kind. Maybe a little naive sometimes but who was he to speak ? She was younger than him. Sometimes he thought he would have liked for Abby to be more like her. Abigail had always been the smart one out of the duo, not a cute little sister. Well, not until she sent her own brain into the vegetable garden.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
so, uh
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

Yeah, uh was the word. Or maybe the right one was awkward. Because that was not how a first IRL meeting was supposed to happen.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
can i ask a question ?
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
yeah ?
Mystical Pizza a écrit:
did u go to the hospital because u were green ?

He wanted to erase the question as soon as he had pressed enter, but she was already typing. That was rude, he knew it, but the girl was green, goddammit.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

uh, yeah
it's a skin condition.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
ow i'm sorry

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
it's okay
I can't go out much because of that
but i'm okay
I don't like to talk about it sorry, but it's okay if you know
it'll go away in time too

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
as long as your okay

... Time to direct that conversation elsewhere. Even if the girl was green. That was not important, of course, but still. GREEN. Even his thoughts were rude. If he hadn't been in a sofa, his forehead would have made a very nice sound against his desk.
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:53
Today it seemed awkwardness only lead to more awkwardness.

Eurydice could feel the relief that came with the word – Hogwarts, they both knew Hogwarts, they could talk freely about it and about their lives without having to dance around the subject and omit just about everything to protect a stupid secret put in place by idiotic sorcerors centuries ago. And Maxwell confessed his fear of being laughed at, which Eurydice did her best to appease. She would never have laughed at the secrets he said to him. He was far too important as a friend to her. She trusted him. She trusted him even though she knew she couldn't be trusted back. But maybe today she would be able to be a little bit more honest.

This very nice thought died right afterward, with Maxwell's next question. About her skin color. About her being green. Eurydice had a little hollow laugh. There went her hopes. And there went their friendship if Maxwell knew what it meant, too – but Maxwell said he wasn't the wizard in his family, that only her sister was one. Thank Merlin she couldn't say anything but vegetable names. Eurydice crushed that horrible though mercilessly and proceeded to lie through her teeth to her very best friend, in case he didn't knew. Skin condition. Yeah that would do. And as soon as he accepted that bad excuse, Eurydice sighed in relief and proceeded to bury that discussion.

They both moved on.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
anyway that was some first irl lol

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
yeah lol

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
i'm sorry for Abby

He didn't have to. Abigaïl was sick, she couldn't help herself, and anyways Eurydice thought of things far worse than the simple vegetables names she said. Eurydice couldn't really be angry against her. Eurydice wasn't really angry at anybody mentioning her skin tone. She was simply terrified of being caught. But anyways.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
and I was looking for help there for your sister
thinking she was a muggle

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
muggle that's me right ?
well i tell there everyone i'm a squib

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
oh so you're like infiltrated !

Mystical Pizza a écrit:

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I won't tell anyone here I promise : D

Eurydice smiled. She was good at keeping secrets.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
thank you
if i didn't do that they would take my sis away
i had to serve a big fat lie to the guy in charge of the IDs

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
If I can help
tell me and I'll do anything I can

She was being sincere. Eurydice really wanted to help Abigaïl and Maxwell, she wasn't just using them as an excuse to go outside. Maxwell was her friend. She remembered the panic and the distress he was in when the accident happened. She hoped Abigaïl would get better in time, even if that meant she would have no reason to go outside anymore. Her excursions weren't meant to last anyways. Eurydice knew she should have stayed here, and she always promised herself she would behave, later on. Once everything was right again. She'd get to keep the memories, she thought. Things would be okay.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
well at the moment it seems theres no cure
she cast some sort of spell to forget something
she messed up

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
oh my
i'm sorry

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
her wand - staff ? i don't know, the damned wooden stick - broke, so it must have been pretty powerful, they told me

There, maybe she could help him a little bit. Eurydice didn't knew more than the mediwizards, but she was familiar with the magical world, and Maxwell wasn't even though he had to fake it. Maybe she could explain it all to him so that he would feel more at ease.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
yeah I guess
they never break
unless you know they officially break it if you're a criminal

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
maybe she broke it herself i don't know

There wasn't much Eurydice could do, really.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
but now she acts like she's 6, and she only speaks with vegetables and sometimes fruits
(oh gosh she really was rude to you i'm so sorry)

Eurydice rushed an answer.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
(no it's okay she was just surprising)
(also thank you so much you were so nice)
(I couldn't tell you at the hospital)

She didn't wanted Maxwell to feel bad about what happened. He had been the highlight of her day, after all. Eurydice was glad she had met them. And she didn't have to lie to him as much now. She was really happy, and she wished she could do more for the both of them.  

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
(yeah but to tell the truth i was really surprised because she seemed to make a link between what she saw and her talking)
(thats the first time it ever happened)
(and so i'm even more sorry thats so rude)

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
(nooo it's ok really !)
(and I'm so glad, does that means she might be getting better ? )

Eurydice was rushing her answers once again. She really didn't mind. Abigaïl could call her spinach all day long if it could her to get better.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
(i don't know the healer wouldn't believe me)
(in his office she was rambling again, about carrots)

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

This day felt like a rollercoaster. Up and downs, all the time. Eurydice was glad and then she was sad. It was exhausting. But it was fine. Things were going much better now, there was su much more she could do, so much more she knew, and she kept her hopes up.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
maybe she'll make other connections ?

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
i hope so

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
me too

And Eurydice knew she would do anything to make that happen again.
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& sans-magie

Maxwell T. Northwood
Maxwell T. Northwood
Messages : 63
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Dim 15 Mar - 18:53
Max didn't know what to say after that. It was a bit surrealist, talking openly about everything. He spoke his mind, because it seemed quite important

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
that's relieving you know
talking about the real thing
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
yeah I can imagine
must be hard to have to lie to everyone

It was hard. He couldn't deny it. But it was better to lie than to forget everything because he wasn't supposed to know in the first place.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
my parents wanted her to stay in that hospital and for us to forget
she's my twin
couldn't do that
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
you're very brave you know
and kind
she's lucky to have you as a brother

He didn't even know if Abby was that lucky, because she probably would have been better with her kind... But he couldn't help thinking he was family, and that was also important. If the place had been switched, he would have liked to stay with her instead of that hospital. Being home was important, that was a given, but where was it for Abby ?

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
sometimes i wonder if that's not entirely selfish you know, keeping her here
but ur wizarding world doesn't have spongebob squarepants so i guess she's happier here lol
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
xD yeah
and you know
I don't think so
it's really nice to have family
it'd be sad if you gave up on her because of her condition
you're not being selfish at all

He knew that, more or less, but it was nice having someone aknowledge it. Mom and Dad were not so understanding. They had a deal, after all, where they had expressed their opinion clearly. Abby would be better off in the magical world. Or they would be better off not knowing, Maxwell suspected.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
i think so too
but if i don't find a cure she's going to that hospital anyway
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I think she's much happier having you around
yeah, I understand
Mystical Pizza a écrit:
my parents granted me this year but next year i must go back to college
she cannot stay home alone

That was the deal. One year. And time flew fast when you had to care for an eighteen years old equivalent of a toddler.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
she could stay at my place if you want
I mean, only if you want to
I'm often here so I can help ?
but we'll find a cure before that anyways

Maxwell smiled. She was cute, wanting to help, but he couldn't impose that on anyone. Abby was really tiring, and it seemed Eurydice had enough problems on her own. He looked at his sister, still with her nose on the telly, and sighed.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
i don't want to intrude
that's kind and i really appreciate it but
you don't know what you would be into if i accepted
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
if there's any way I can help

He didn't know if he was enough, really, but he couldn't ask for help, even if she knew the bottom of the story. And, in the end, he didn't know her that well. She never mentionned being magical in some way. Or, you know, green.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
thank you, i mean it but
do you realize we went from "normal people talking" to "we've seen each other without knowing and now you want to babysit my crazy sister" ?
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

Max hesitated, because maybe it would be nice to really meet her, now that most of the awkward stuff had been talked about, but there was something else he wanted to know.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
+ you are... well what are you, if that's not rude to ask ?
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

MessageDéjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Empty
Mer 25 Mar - 17:34
Mystical Pizza a écrit:
that's relieving you know
talking about the real thing
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
yeah I can imagine
must be hard to have to lie to everyone

Eurydice was smiling happily, sitting where she was, alone in front of her computer. Maxwell was relieved to have someone to talk to. He probably had to endure all of that on his own until now. And the little green girl was happy to be able to be there for him.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
my parents wanted her to stay in that hospital and for us to forget
she's my twin
couldn't do that

Especially since he was doing all of this for the sake of his family. For the sake of his sister. Despite what everybody else said. Despite what his parents were saying – they wanted to give up on their child, to lock her up somewhere in a hospital, never to be seen again, and that part of the discussion brought back bittersweet memories just like it made the words flow easier. Eurydice wished she could have had a brother like Maxwell. All she had was parents like his.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
you're very brave you know
and kind
she's lucky to have you as a brother

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
sometimes i wonder if that's not entirely selfish you know, keeping her here
but ur wizarding world doesn't have spongebob squarepants so i guess she's happier here lol
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
xD yeah

Maybe he was, but it didn't matter. Eurydice couldn't even begin to conceive how caring for your family could be selfish. She would have done anything to have a brother like Maxwell. And she loved the remains of family she had, her great-aunt Adélaïde, who was always there to keep an eye on her, but who loved her dearly. Eurydice's life wasn't great, but it would have been far worse without Adélaïde to hold her and hug her when she needed it.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
and you know
I don't think so
it's really nice to have family
it'd be sad if you gave up on her because of her condition
you're not being selfish at all

Abigaïl shouldn't be left alone to wither and die just because she got hurt. Nobody should be. Or almost. Eurydice bit her lip.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
i think so too
but if i don't find a cure she's going to that hospital anyway
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I think she's much happier having you around
yeah, I understand
Mystical Pizza a écrit:
my parents granted me this year but next year i must go back to college
she cannot stay home alone

Happy thoughts and best wishes alone couldn't change the world. But she tried anyways.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
she could stay at my place if you want
I mean, only if you want to
I'm often here so I can help ?
but we'll find a cure before that anyways

She blurted it out way too fast, a honest proposition with a few typoes in it. It was naïve of her, and far too hopeful as well. It couldn't work and she knew it. But she had to do something. She couldn't just stay here and watch Maxwell's folks break up their family just like that, just because it was more convenient, more comfortable, and because nobody cared about Abigaïl but them both. She couldn't just watch it happen, and yet she coudn't actually do anything about it.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
i don't want to intrude
that's kind and i really appreciate it but
you don't know what you would be into if i accepted

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
if there's any way I can help


Mystical Pizza a écrit:
thank you, i mean it but
do you realize we went from "normal people talking" to "we've seen each other without knowing and now you want to babysit my crazy sister" ?
oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:

Eurydice was biting her lip again, holding in the sadness. She felt touched by Abigaïl's hurt, and by Maxwell's gentleness and caring, and she had never been so desperate to help anybody else before. Perhaps she was seeing too much of herself in that story.

Reality hit her back hard.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
+ you are... well what are you, if that's not rude to ask ?

She was nothing like Abigaïl.

A lie. A lie came in next.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
I'm just a normal witch

A lie was all she was.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:

And Maxwell accepted it at face value, just like that. Maybe he sensed that more was at stake. It was better he didn't knew. Eurydice was stuck inside her own little cellroom for a reason. She was a danger for both Maxwell and his sister. She couldn't really be much else than a spectator on the sidelines. She had been foolish to think it could have been otherwise.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
and I'm sorry ^^" I only meant to help, that's all
I understand.

Things were better that way.

Maxwell changed the subject.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
how come ur on the internet? did howg- the school install a line after abby got out or did she snob me? XD

He probably thought it was something lighter to talk about. He phrased it as a joke, trying to bring the discussion back to normal topics, but all Eurydice could think about was a lie to give him fast enough and the pain in her heart that it would give her.

She really hated lying.

A long awkward silence came in before she could utter a reply.

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
that's uh because I'm sick. I have to stay home atm.

She felt a little sick with herself right now.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
oh okay
i'm sorry

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
no it's okay : )

She didn't wanted him to feel bad. She only lied so as to avoid certains subjects. There were too many things she just couldn't say, and she didn't wanted him to know. She didn't wanted him to go away too.

Mystical Pizza a écrit:
well at least you got your computer lol

oOPrincess-RapunzelOo a écrit:
yeah that's cool x)
I get to chat with everyone, and role-play

Life wasn't so bad, she tried to tell herself.
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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé Vide

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Déjà vu - Maxwell Tobias Northwood - Terminé

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